I thought I was doing ok with my pushups - I had so much to learn.


It till till I was 55 to learn I had bad form, bad balance and absolutely no variety.  More about that below.  But going back a few years... like about 40... after I'd being doing pushups for several months as a 15 year old teenager, I walked into the school gym which the first 15 rugby players used for their training.  No one was there but me, which was my first mistake.  I'd never done weights before, not even dumbbells, so there was a risk I could seriously injure myself with no one around.  So anyway, I sized up this bar with some large weights at each end and decided I'd try to lift it.  The thing that really appealed to me about it was that the bar and weights totalled 100 pounds.

As I approached the bar, I was thinking, this will be a great way to test my strength from all the pushups I'd been doing.   Now while I'd been doing heaps of pushups, I was still rather lean and didn't have much bulk on me.  And if I'd known any better I would have left the thing alone.  But, boys being boys (we always get the blame) I went for it.  To my surprise I was even able to lift it above my head.   What was my second mistake?  No one saw me do it.  So when I told others no one believed me. But I knew!  Now, after doing 10's of thousands of pushups, I want to share with you three serious mistakes to avoid when doing pushups.  Here's 3 secrets to using pushups for long term physical and aerobic strength. 


How many pushups variations do you do?

There are probably more variations to the pushup than any other bodyweight exericse.  The more you do, the better, stronger, faster, fitter you'll get.  Your body can get too confortable doing the same old routine. It gets used to it and the personal challenge can also go.  Why not try stepping it up and seeing if you can achieve six other pushups variations in the next six weeks.  Make it a focus.

So here are some starting suggestions... (1) narrow hand postion for more triceps and chest (2) wide hand position for more shoulder and outer chest (3) leaning into a bench or bar and pushing off from there for upper chest (4) feet slightly elevated on a box, seat, bag, bench for lower chest (5) hands on dumbbells so you can go deeper and (6) diamond hand postion for tricep & especially. chest.


The real meaning of a balanced workout...

You would think it strange if you saw someone working out at the gym and they only ever lifted weights with their left hand, or only ever did a leg press with their right leg.  Obviously you need to balance left and right with equal levels of exercisie.  The  same is true for pushing and pulling exercises.  For overall balance you need an exercise to balance out all the pushing you're doing with pushups or bench presses.  Keep the balance.  Avoid hunched shoulders and painful injuries.

To balance your pushups, do exercises like the seated row or alternating left and right hand one arm row, or standing pull to the chest using cables.  Then there's the exact opposite of a bench press or pushup; a horizontal row where you lie on a high bench and pull a weighted bar UP towards your chest.  Keep the balance.


Correct form helps you target muscles safely and...

it means you will not be wasting your time doing a repetitive action that is giving you sub par benefit for your efforts.  Correct form means that you can perform at higher levels and reach bigger goals and the respective muscle groups worked when doing pushups will be correctly targeted.   So don't cheat yourself.

Keeping in mind any health issues, correct pushups form includes hand postion (fingers slightly pointing outward); full range of motion (chest to floor or at least elbows at right angles to shoulder, to fully extended arms in the up postion but not locked); legs straight; core tight; feet together; and neck/head in line with your body as when you're standing up straight (not as in the picture above); for both narrow and wide hand postion, keep elbows pointing back.