Do 100 pushups in a week, a day, and hour, 10 minutes or non-stop!
Combine with 100 pushups a day for 30 days

Anywhere Anytime

Good for cardio and strength

Expensive Gym Membership Not Required.
Discover the incredible world of pushups fitness.
Pushups are one of the best all time body weight exercies.
100 pushups is very doable if you have the right plan and do the training.

You Don't Need These

Start with what you have

Weights are great for resistance training.
So too is natural body weight training like, PUSHUPS!
They're great for chest, shoulders, triceps, core, lats and legs.
Train to do 100 pushups and then shock yourself with how much you can lift.

Your Pushups Plan

Start at your level with some simple goals

Just want to be able to do a few pushups?
Maybe you've got plans for 100 non stop pushups.
Try our one size fits all pushups plan for newbies and experts.
Our pushups plan will give you what you need for any pushups challenge.

PUSHUPS +     

If you have the opportunity, it can be a lot of fun mixing body weight exercies like pushups (and some dragon flags) with a bit of weight training.  And pushups  should be one of your main body weight exercises. Learn to do 100 pushups.


Pushups are one of the best, easiest and hardest body weight routines. They are great for cardio, strength, power and endurance.
Start your pushups plan today!